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 Пими ® » Ошо » Business » Minnesota Burn Injury Attorney

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Minnesota Burn Injury Attorney

Attorney David Szerlag recently recovered 2.4 million dollars in a boiler explosion case. Attorney Fred Pritzker recently recovered 2.9 million dollars in an apartment fire case. To contact a burn injury attorney at the firm, please call 1-888-377-8900 (toll free) or submit our online form for a free consultation.

Compensation in a Burn Injury Lawsuit

We understand the horrible pain and disfigurement resulting from these injuries and the legal and financial needs of burn survivors and their families. Those needs include payment of medical bills, finding appropriate specialists to deal with the physical and emotional consequences of burn injuries, receiving compensation for lost wages and payment for pain, suffering, emotional distress and disfigurement. Read more about burn injury compensation.

If a burn victim dies, the surviving spouse and next of kin (through a court-appointed trustee) can sue the responsible party. This is called a wrongful death case. Read about burn injuries and wrongful death.

Burn Injury Lawyer: Multi-Million-Dollar Settlement

In a recent Pritzker Olsen burn injury case, a young mother was killed and her daughter suffered severe brain damage as a result of unsafe, flammable furniture. This case was tragic, and attorney Fred Pritzker helped insure the financial well-being of the injured daughter by recovering a multi-million-dollar settlement.

If you would like to discuss a possible burn injury lawsuit with a burn attorney at PritzkerOlsen, P.A., please call toll free at 1-888-377-8900 or fill out the firm's online-consultation form.

Папка: Business | Посещения: 1548 | Ченълинги | The Arcturians

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Ошо - ДАО. Трите Съкровища [36] Ошо - Медитация. Изкуството на екстаза [26]
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